This passed Monday and Saturday I've gotten off work early, which is RARE! Because Those two days are the days I have 12 hrs shifts!
Monday was due to Memorial day and the fact that between 10AM-1PM we had a total of 3 customers come in...
Saturday I had a wedding to attend because my Husband was performing the ceremony. It was his first one ever, so he wanted me to be there. The night before at 2:30AM we decided to go grocery shopping so I had little to no sleep, So I guess I've been resting up.
The result of all of this was... A filthy messy apartment!
So I thought it would be interesting to record my ... progress? I guess... Can't think of a better word at the moment...
It's mainly just dirty clothes every where, and the usual everything out of place thing.
This is the after for that one:
Before (Husbands side of the room):
Washed all the clothes on the floor and all the sheets :3
That is all! :D
And yes I do realize that most of that stuff on the shelf and beside the sewing table are still messy, but those are my craft supplies. And I like them that way >:3
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