Long.Ass.Story... short
Most of the day was filled with anger and frustrations and arguments between the hubby and I.... SUX!
My solution?... SEX!!
Don't wait too many days or things will tense up and everything will become a problem~
It happens sometimes, cant help it if both parties are busy. Still doesn't mean its not an important thing that needs to be addressed VERY often.
Everyone wins :3
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
XMas wish list
My other macera broke... and a little piece of me went with it..
Totaly Want this... Rly bad! T__T
Thats pretty much it :3
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Chadd got this idea from one of his friends, and today we had time to do it so after he got off work we went to half price books to get quarter comics, and to Michaels for some MOD PODGE.
We took my Ikea eating table and covered it with semi cool looking images from old comics. Then we applied some MOD PODGE(I'll call it glue), placed the cut out and then added more glue to seal it. Let it dry and then took the table out to the middle of the parking lot and sprayed it with adhesive, let it dry and brought it back in :)

I was able to sneak in a picture of sailor moon, you can see the pic on the bottom of the image.
I picked out this image coz of what he was saying to this little kid XD!!
There's another one of him impressing him with an epic slam dunk...
We took my Ikea eating table and covered it with semi cool looking images from old comics. Then we applied some MOD PODGE(I'll call it glue), placed the cut out and then added more glue to seal it. Let it dry and then took the table out to the middle of the parking lot and sprayed it with adhesive, let it dry and brought it back in :)

I was able to sneak in a picture of sailor moon, you can see the pic on the bottom of the image.

I picked out this image coz of what he was saying to this little kid XD!!
There's another one of him impressing him with an epic slam dunk...
le sigh~~
Sorry for the super long time of not posting, but we had to get rid of our internet/cable/phone service coz it got too expensive. SO! now I'm married, moved into an apt with just me and the hubby, and got internet service again, feels like coming out of the stone age! Not that I would know what that's like~
anyway, new updates?
got a tattoo wedding ring, wore steel toe combat boots for my wedding!
Been married for about a month and a week, been working way too much. Have not had a chance go get my name changed, although I found out the hard way that I don't have to go to the DPS office for that but in fact print out a form and take it to the justice of the peace place.
I work 3 jobs..
one is helping out my friends at the corner cafe in the mornings from about seven to ten,right before my second job(Quiznos), which is coincidentally enough next door! And I work there from ten to 1:30. Then 2 to 3 times a week I go over to Total Uniforms to do some embroidery work from 2 to 6. By then I'm exhausted, hungry, and sleepy. so I don't do much when I get home after me 45min bus ride!
My husband works nights, so I hardly get to spend time with him, because he is not working while I am, and vise versa.
So changing my name might need to wait yet another week, since I cant find the time to do it.
Thats it for now, wish I had some help with laundry, dishes, and cleaning... seems thats all I ever do now...
anyway, new updates?
got a tattoo wedding ring, wore steel toe combat boots for my wedding!
Been married for about a month and a week, been working way too much. Have not had a chance go get my name changed, although I found out the hard way that I don't have to go to the DPS office for that but in fact print out a form and take it to the justice of the peace place.
I work 3 jobs..
one is helping out my friends at the corner cafe in the mornings from about seven to ten,right before my second job(Quiznos), which is coincidentally enough next door! And I work there from ten to 1:30. Then 2 to 3 times a week I go over to Total Uniforms to do some embroidery work from 2 to 6. By then I'm exhausted, hungry, and sleepy. so I don't do much when I get home after me 45min bus ride!
My husband works nights, so I hardly get to spend time with him, because he is not working while I am, and vise versa.
So changing my name might need to wait yet another week, since I cant find the time to do it.
Thats it for now, wish I had some help with laundry, dishes, and cleaning... seems thats all I ever do now...
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