Our wedding venue will be at a FREE CHAPEL called
Like I said its a FREE Chapel, well you have to pay $100 to reserve your wedding day but you get your money back if you show up on your wedding day XD
The way I found the Chapel was through my boss lady from my very first job, she saw the Chapel in the news paper and then called me to inform me about it, then I asked my brother for $100 so I can reserve my wedding day time slot, there was only one time slot left at the time. Anyway long story short, later my day was booked I was super bummed, but I kept checking, then it was available again and my brother gave me the money, I reserved it and I also did pay him back.
The only bad thing with my time slot is from 6PM-8PM
I don't mind that its two hours long its just that its a bit of a drive, the wedding ends late, so we might not have time for a party afterwords!!
But I am not worried about that anymore, me and my fiance agreed to have a party before the day of the wedding to celebrate and just get married the day after!
and I'm beginning to love the time of the day that I got! I just hope I get the sunset, If not, the lanterns they have there will make the Chapel so much more romantic! I think either way I win!
The day we went to visit the Chapel I learned quite a bit about it.
The owner decided to name the Chapel after
Dulcinea, a female character in the novel called
Dulcinea is a young woman that Don Quixote was passionately in love with and often calls her his true love, even though he has never talked to her nor met!
I find that kind of a coincidence because when I was in High School, that's where me and my fiance Chadd know each other from, I first saw him and I immediately fell for him! I don't know what it was about him that I found so attractive, I was just so very attracted to him! I didn't know his name, I didn't know anything about him! I often told myself he would be my future husband! LOL and who knew? WHO KNEW I would end up his WIFE!!
SIDE STORY: He was rly into art and he was rly good at it too!! one year I got to go to an art competition, he went too! And well I was hoping I would get a chance to hang out with him and talk! But whenever I tried looking for him I couldn't find him! So I just hung out with my friend Travis(he was friends with Chadd), and after we were done presenting our art with the judges we (along with a some others) went out to GATTI TOWN, which is a fancy Mr Gatties with arcade games. So I had one token left and I couldn't do anything with it so I kept it. When we came back Chadd went up to us in a rush and asked us where we went, we just went to go eat, I guess since a lot of us went he thought we had left him behind! And I remember him being upset that he didn't come with us because he was hungry too, so I handed him the token I had left and told him it was a souvenir. A few years later when we first started dating, he showed me the coin I had given him in High School 4 years prior to. I was kind of shocked that he had kept the coin for so long!! He has mentioned before that he wants to make the coin into a ring and have that as my wedding ring, or just use it to propose with. I thought that was super sweet! but we have yet to go through with that plan.
I'm just so glad and happy that we found a PERFECT place to have our wedding at!